Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chicken Soup for the Dog

We all have those days that start out so overwhelming you just can't place yourself.  That was me this morning.  You see my dog, Max, has Lymphoma and although he's always loved food and still does, he's become a bit fussier as of late.  He means the world to me so the challenge was on ~ I'll cook things to go with his food that he'll eat and enjoy.  Off to the market I go ... returning home to barking boyz and tails wagging.  Before I even had a chance to put away the groceries, Max and Prince were in the kitchen checking out to see what was there for them.  I decided to put all the packages on the side and get Max's dinner on the stove.  I took some chicken stock and brought it to a boil.  Added chicken breasts, celery and carrots that I cut up in small pieces ~ covered the pot and let simmer for an hour and a half. 
I'm thrilled to say Max and Prince had a great dinner and ate everything!  I can't tell you how happy that makes my heart feel.  Now it was time to put away the groceries and start cooking ... Beef Stew is what I'm cooking today for tomorrow's dinner.  It's on the stove now simmering away for another few hours and let me tell you ... the house smells delicious.  Keep an eye out later tonight ~ I'll be posting a blog with the recipe and pictures. 

Hope you all had a Wonderful Wacky Winesday Wednesday.

** the secret ingredient is lots of love ღ


  1. I am so happy Max had a good dinner! He has no idea what a great mommy he has!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Max. It is so hard when one of your babies are sick. He is very blessed to have you for a mommy. I am looking forward to your beef stew recipe. Mine never seems to come out how I want it too. I will keep you and Max in my prayers.
    Thank you for sharing all your delicious recipes!


  3. Thank you all for your kind and lovely words. Max has been a part of my life since he was 7 weeks old. At 3 months, his trainer told me that he was a smart dog and he was right. He understands what I say more than any other dog I've had. We all age and have to adjust our lives. We will get thru this together. In the meantime, we will enjoy every moment we have together, make the most of it and I will spoil him rotten with great food, love and treats. ღ

  4. I am so happy to hear Max had a good dinner. He is one special boy and he is very lucky to have such a good Mom.
