Thursday, February 9, 2012

The best vitamin for making friends ... B1

It is a gift to grow up knowing that you are loved completely and unconditionally.  There was never a shortage of love in my home.  I am an only child and proud to say my parents were my best friends.  They spoiled me like all parents spoil their children, but being an only child didn't make it different.  I had chores, babysat, worked for my father during vacations and holidays and started volunteering at the age of 9 to raise money for retarded children.  The values my parents instilled in me were to be kind, honest, loving, charitable, compassionate, to be supportive of people with disabilities, never take anything for granted, live with respect and respect others, to name a few.  I also had a very special lady in my life.  She was my mothers sister, Helen.  She was not only my aunt but my best friend. Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, keep secrets like a sister and share love like a friend. 

My best friend, or as I call her my sister from another mother, Rene', has two beautiful children, Jessica and Danny.  Since they were born we've had a special bond.  They've always known they can call me any hour of the day or night, tell me secrets and count on me for anything.  I love them with all my heart and am blessed to have them in my life.  I am so proud of all their accomplishments.  The relationship we have is the same as what I had with my Aunt Helen.  I love being Aunt Beth.  Rene' and I might not have been sisters at birth ... but we knew from the start we were put together to be sisters of the heart.  Rene' and her family are my chosen family.

Beth and Rene'

Today was a day of running errands and getting my Valentine's Day cards and gifts in the mail.  Spent the afternoon at Roosevelt Field doing some shopping at Bloomingdales and Nordstrom.  I used to work at Nordstrom, so it was nice running into some of my coworkers and catching up.  Funny how time passes yet stays the same.

So why am I telling you this?  Well, with Valentine's Day around the corner, love is in the air.  When I think about love, these are some of the people I hold deep in my heart. 

As you know, yesterday I made a big pot of Beef Stew.  This afternoon on Rene's way home from work I asked her to stop by the house to pick up dinner for her and her husband.  There's obviously no way I could eat everything and I am not a fan of freezing food.  It's fun being able to cook and share with your friends.

So after a long day, Max and Prince were fed and walked, I sat down to a delicious dinner of Beef Stew.

No new recipes today.  Tomorrow I'll be home waiting for a delivery and catching up on things around the house.  I have some fun and delicious recipes I'm looking forward to sharing with you. 

The best vitamin for making friends ... B1

Live ~ Love ~ Laugh and always think Positive!

** the secret ingredient is lots of love ღ


  1. we had leftover stew last night, even better than the night before.

  2. love that picture of you and mom! so adorable!
