Monday, July 2, 2012

Friends and Jewish Penicillin

Hard to believe we're in July already.  Where has the time gone?   I hope everyone is enjoying a fabulous summer and that this heat wave we are experiencing is not hindering on your fun.  To the millions of people without electricity, you are in our thoughts and prayers.  Try and stay cool and hang in there.  Please be safe! 

This morning I called a dear friend and was shocked to find out he was recently in the hospital and had a heart procedure.  On one hand, I was glad to hear he was resting at home, but on the other hand he has to learn his limititations and stop pushing himself so much.  I love and care about you Ira and want to you to be well. 

When you're not feeling well the best remedy for the sick, and therefore good for the body is Chicken Soup, long known to many as Jewish Penicillin.  So once I heard he was back home and resting, I asked if he would like me to make him some soup.  The answer was "yes" which made my heart happy.  The only request was to not use any salt, which was easy enough.  And off to the the kosher butcher I went.

Since Max has been having some eating issues these days, I picked up a second chicken and made a second pot of soup for the boyz.
While the soups were simmering away and I was cleaning the kitchen, Max and Prince were taking their morning naps.

Somehow we are given the strength to do what we need to do when we need to do it.  There is nothing I wouldn't do for any of my friends.  Now it's my time to take a pill and join the boyz for some rest.

Gems might be precious, but friendships are priceless. 

Live~Love~Laugh and think always Positive! It's the only way.

** the secret ingredient is lots of love ღ